Bacon, Francis (Londra
1561 - 1626)
Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb
(Berlino 1714 - Francoforte sull'Oder 1762)
Bruno, Giordano
(Nola 1548 - Roma 1600)
Campanella, Tommaso
(Stilo/Reggio Calabria 1568 - Parigi 1639)
Clauberg, Johann
(Solingen/Vestfalia 1622 - Duisburg 1665)
Descartes, René
(La Haye/Touraine 1596 - Stoccolma 1650)
Galilei, Galileo (Pisa
1564 - Arcetri/Firenze 1642)
Gassendi, Pierre
(Champtercier/Provenza 1592 - Parigi 1655)
Genovesi, Antonio
(Castiglione/Salerno 1713 - Napoli 1769)
Geulincx, Arnold
(Anversa 1624 - Leida 1669)
's Gravesande, Willem Jacob
van (s'Hertogenbosch 1688 - Leida 1742)
Groot, Huig de (Delft
1583 - Rostock 1645)
Herbert, Edward, Lord of Cherbury
(Eyton/Shropshire 1583 - Londra 1648)
Hobbes, Thomas (Malmesbury
1588 - Hardwicke 1679)
Kant, Immanuel (Koenisberg
1724 - 1804)
Kepler, Johannes (Weil
1571 - Ratisbona 1630)
Komenský, Jan Amos
(Moravia 1592 - Amsterdam 1670)
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
(Lipsia 1646 - Hannover 1716)
More, Henry (Grantham/Lincolnshire
1614 - Cambridge 1687)
Newton, Isaac
(Woolsthorpe/Lincolnshire 1642 - Kensington/Londra 1727)
Pufendorf, Samuel
(Chemnitz/Sassonia 1632 - Berlino 1694)
Spinoza, Baruch
(Amsterdam 1632 - L'Aia 1677)
Tschirnhaus, Ehrenfried Walter
von (Kiesslingswalde/Gorlitz 1651 - Dresda 1708)
Vico, Giambattista
(Napoli 1668 - 1744)
Wolff, Christian
(Breslavia 1679 - Halle 1754)
Bacon, Francis (Londra
1561 - 1626)
Berkeley, George
(Thomastown, Kilkenny 1685 - Oxford 1753)
Clarke, Samuel (Norwich
1675 - Londra 1729)
Collins, Anthony
(Heston 1676 - Londra 1729)
Hartley, David (Armley,
Yorkshire 1705 - Bath 1757)
Hobbes, Thomas (Malmesbury
1588 - Hardwicke 1679)
Hume, David (Edimburgo
1711 - 1776)
Hutcheson, Francis
(Drumalig 1694 - Glasgow 1746)
Mandeville, Bernard de
(Dort 1670 - Hackney 1733)
Reid, Thomas (Stracham,
Kincardineshire 1710 - Glasgow 1796)
Shaftesbury, Antony Ashley
Cooper, Earl of (Londra 1671 - Napoli 1713)
Smith, Adam (Kirkcaldy
1723 - Edimburgo 1790)
Toland, John (Redcastle,
Londonderry 1670 - Putney, Londra 1722)
Descartes, René (La Haye/Touraine 1596
- Stoccolma 1650)
Gassendi, Pierre (Champtercier/Provenza 1592
- Parigi 1655)
Geulincx, Arnold (Anversa 1624 - Leida 1669)
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
(Lipsia 1646 - Hannover 1716)
Bruno, Giordano
(Nola 1548 - Roma 1600)
Galilei, Galileo
(Pisa 1564 - Arcetri/Firenze 1642)
Vico, Giambattista
(Napoli 1668 - 1744)