

ILIESI Institute Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle idee
National Research Council

Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma

Tel. +39 06-86320517

LIBRARY | History

The Institute’s library fund comprises circa 6.000 volumes of special interest for the history of philosophical thought, for intellectual history, for the history of cultural terminology, for ancient philosophy and for ancient Greek and classical Latin philology. The largest part of the texts are research-tools: critical editions of works, lexica and special linguistic repertoria, lexicographic and philological instruments. We are talking of works that are generally of difficult access. For facilitating use, the fund is divided among: Journals (philosophy, linguistics, philology, and informatics); Works (authors within the Institute’s research lines); Studies (monographs, miscellanies, and proceedings); Tools (thesauri, lexica; dictionaries and special encyclopedias; repertoria; indexes, and concordances). The library owns also one of the largest and specialized microfilm collection of dictionaries and special lexica in Europe’s diverse linguistic areas.

Content manager: Lorenzo Mancini — - last update 15/04/2022


CECILIA MURATORI (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), The Mind of the Philosopher: Physiognomics and the Body-Mind Problem in Early Modernity
MIRIAM AIELLO (CNR-ILIESI), Leibniz on the Other Minds.
Session 8 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Fri. 24 May 4 PM - CET Time

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AVVISI PER 2 INCARICHI DI COLLABORAZIONE PROFESSIONALE - Progetto "Portale delle Fonti per la storia della Repubblica italiana"
Scadenza: 30 aprile 2024


Lessico delle passioni in età moderna


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