

ILIESI Institute Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle idee
National Research Council

Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma

Tel. +39 06-86320517

INSTITUTE | Introduction

According to its mission, ILIESI carries out research in the large field of the history of philosophical and scientific ideas and related lexical structures in the framework of the European tradition from Antiquity to Early Modern Age. To this aim, our institute largely employs digital methods for the analysis and treatment of texts or textual corpora in addition to the more traditional approaches offered by philology and textual hermeneutics. Combining these various research approaches, i.e. history of ideas, lexical analysis of texts, and digital Humanities, has always been a distinctive feature of ILIESI’s activities, which made it a unique case in the scholarly landscape at the international level.

The Institute’s outcome includes critical essays, text-editions, data‐bases and textual platforms, lexical analysis, and the edition of indexes, concordances and lexica as well. In recent time, new research lines in specific areas have been added to the institute’s portfolio, such as those in the field of papyrology (often related to the interdisciplinary methods of archaeology of writing), in various aspects of migration studies, in the study and lexicography of neologisms in contemporary Italian, in the safeguarding of cultural heritage in situations of serious risk or danger (of natural or anthropic origin).

ILIESI publishes three series of volumes (Elenchos, Lessico Intellettuale Europeo, ILIESI digitale) and two journals («Elenchos», «Lexicon Philosophicum»), while offering its scholarly patronage to the journals «Bruniana & Campanelliana» and «Aristotelica».

last update 22/03/2022


SÉBASTIEN CHARLES (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières), Penser le solipsisme à l’âge classique : de la métaphysique cartésienne aux diatribes des Lumières
ALBERTO FRIGO (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale), Language, Community, Mortality: Condillac, Rousseau and the Sentiment of Mortality.
Session 7 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 331 519 094 24 — Passcode: 33duyi on Join-a-meeting

Wed. 24 April 4 PM - CET Time

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AVVISI PER 2 INCARICHI DI COLLABORAZIONE PROFESSIONALE - Progetto "Portale delle Fonti per la storia della Repubblica italiana"
Scadenza: 30 aprile 2024


CECILIA MURATORI (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), The Mind of the Philosopher: Physiognomics and the Body-Mind Problem in Early Modernity
MIRIAM AIELLO (CNR-ILIESI), Leibniz on the Other Minds.
Session 8 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 337 420 576 751 — Passcode:8VvW8R on Join-a-meeting

Fri. 24 May 4 PM - CET Time

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