ILIESI Institute Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle idee
National Research Council
Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma
Tel. +39 06-86320517
The site is divided into five main sections: :
Institute, Activities, Products, Library, Contacts
INSTITUTE: : Information on the Institute
- INTRODUCTION home page of the site
- HISTORYLIEshort history of the Centro di Studi del Lessico Intellettuale EuropeoPensiero Anticoshort history of the Centro di Studi del Pensiero Antico 50th Anniversary1964-2014 Press review
- ORGANIZATIONstructure of the Institute
- STAFFList of people
individual profile (areas of expertise, research, assignments, publications, curricula) - LOCATIONlocation of the Institute and how to achieve it
- JOB AND EDUCATIONcompetition notices
ACTIVITIES: institutional activities of the Institute
- LINES OF RESEARCHdisciplines which represent the expertise of the Institute in relation to CNR
In progressTerminated - PROJECTSnational and international projects of the Institute and individual research projects on any subject
In progressprojects completed - INITIATIVESchronological list of initiatives and events organized by the Institute
- INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIAInternational Meetings, organized every three years and each dedicated to a single term of particular philosophical significance.
- SERIES OF EVENTSseries of meetings on specific themes organized periodicallyActiveInactive
PRODUCTS: products of research
- PUBLICATIONSpublications of the InstituteSeries«Elenchos» «Lessico Intellettuale Europeo» «ILIESI Digitale»«Ricerche filosofiche e lessicali», «Testi e tradizioni», «Temi e strumenti», «Memorie», «Relazioni tecniche» Journals «Bruniana & Campanelliana» «Elenchos»«Lexicon philosophicum» Other publicationslink to the website of the CNR
- DIGITAL RESOURCESdatabases, archives, portals
Resourceslinks to digital resources
Infoalphabetical list of digital resources
alphabetical list of authors present in the digital resources Searchability to perform bibliographic research (author and title) or textual (word in the texts) in the various digital archives of ILIESI - TOOLSsoftware ILIESI
- MATERIALSpublications, reports, presentations, abstracts, cards, slides, handouts, illustrations, etc.
LIBRARY: Library of the Institute
- CATALOGUESInformation on the consultation of archivesMonographs catalogJournals catalog
- INFORMATIONInformation about the library and referent
- HISTORYHistory of the library
- LINKbibliographic sources on the network and other external links
CONTACTS: address, telephone, fax, e-mail, certified mail and tax data of the Institute
subsections (menu at the bottom of page)
- INFOwebmaster
For staff only - CONTATTIaddress, telephone, fax, e-mail, certified mail and tax data of the Institute