

ILIESI Institute Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle idee
National Research Council

Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma

Tel. +39 06-86320517

LIBRARY | Information

Located at the second floor of the Villa reserved Mirafiori, the ILIESI library is primarily for internal use. Upon appointment it is accessible to scholars who work on the domains covered by the Institute and come from the inland and from abroad as well as to doctoral students, provided they are accompanied by letters of their directors. No book-loans are admitted.

Content manager: Lorenzo Mancini — last update 15/04/2022


CECILIA MURATORI (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), The Mind of the Philosopher: Physiognomics and the Body-Mind Problem in Early Modernity
MIRIAM AIELLO (CNR-ILIESI), Leibniz on the Other Minds.
Session 8 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 337 420 576 751 — Passcode:8VvW8R on Join-a-meeting

Fri. 24 May 4 PM - CET Time

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AVVISI PER 2 INCARICHI DI COLLABORAZIONE PROFESSIONALE - Progetto "Portale delle Fonti per la storia della Repubblica italiana"
Scadenza: 30 aprile 2024


Daphnet - Digital Archives of PHilosophical texts on the NET


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