

ILIESI Institute Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle idee
National Research Council

Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma

Tel. +39 06-86320517

ACTIVITIES | Initiatives 2024

Workshop Basi di dati per le scienze umane e H2IOSC: esperienze a confronto e prospettive,

Roma, Villa Mirafiori, 10-11 aprile 2024

CECILIA MURATORI (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), The Mind of the Philosopher: Physiognomics and the Body-Mind Problem in Early Modernity
MIRIAM AIELLO (CNR-ILIESI), Leibniz on the Other Minds

Session 8 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 337 420 576 751 — Passcode:8VvW8R on Join-a-meeting
Fri. 24 May 4 PM - CET Time
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SÉBASTIEN CHARLES (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières), Penser le solipsisme à l’âge classique : de la métaphysique cartésienne aux diatribes des Lumières
ALBERTO FRIGO (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale), Language, Community, Mortality: Condillac, Rousseau and the Sentiment of Mortality

Session 7 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 331 519 094 24 — Passcode: 33duyi on Join-a-meeting
Wed. 24 April 4 PM - CET Time
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GIULIANA DI BIASE (Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti), Socialisation, Custom and Language in John Locke
ANGELA FERRARO (Université Laval), The Status of Otherness in Malebranche’s Thought

Session 6 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 364 466 551 721 — Passcode: YZMneG on Join-a-meeting
Thur. 18 April 4 PM - CET Time
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RAFFAELE CARBONE (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Bodies, Minds and Social Relations in the Anthropology of the Montpellier School
ANITA AVRAMIDES (St. Hilda’s College, University of Oxford), Solipsism: J.S. Mill’s Response to Thomas Reid

Session 5 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 378 482 332 965 — Passcode: fXsSB9 on Join-a-meeting
Thur. 4 April 4 PM - CET Time
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ANTONIA LOLORDO (University of Virginia), Self and World in Mary Shepherd
ANDREW PLATT (Villanova University), Norris and Astell: Occasionalism, Charity, and Moral Worth

Session 4 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 378 308 941 179 — Passcode: sD3aSB on Join-a-meeting
Thu. 21 March, 4 PM - CET Time
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DANIEL HEIDER (University of South Bohemia), Suárez on the Involuntary Attention in Angelic Locution
MARTIN LENZ (University of Groningen), The Irresistible Contagion of Opinion: Hume's Medical Model of Sympathy

Session 3 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 362 833 258 990 — Passcode: 3fDzAe on Join-a-meeting
Thur. 22 February 2024, 4 PM - CET Time
posterserie of events


I linguaggi della ricerca: parole e immagini

Mostra fotografica 4.404 km: suolo e sottosuolo
Università di Genova, Dipartimento di Chimica e Chimica Industriale, 25 gennaio - 25 febbraio 2024
posterweb page

Platone e la coesione fra pensiero ed essere

–L. Giovannetti, Pensiero conoscenza e realtà in Platone
–R. Chiaradonna, Platone nelle Categorie di Aristotele
Napoli, Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, 15-16 febbraio 2024

FABRIZIO BALDASSARRI (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), The Mind of Plants: Vegetal Cognition in Pre-Modern Times
JAN PURNIS (University of Regina), Cannibalism and Early Modern Theories of Mind

Session 2 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 360 114 487 434 — Passcode: c4S2md on Join-a-meeting
Thur. 8 February 2024, 4 PM - CET Time
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Meeting del progetto 'Humanities and #CulturalHeritage italian #OpenScience cloud' #H2IOSC
Dialogo tra le principali infrastrutture di ricerca nel settore umanistico e delle scienze del patrimonio culturale

ISPC CNR Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca Italia Domani

pagina web
Roma, 6-7 febbraio, sede centrale #Cnr

Etica e nutrizione in età moderna

Giornata di studio
pagina web
Roma, 29 gennaio 2024, Via Ostiense, 234

Etica della simpatia tra Sei e Settecento Fisiologia, Estetica e Politica

pagina web
Roma, 24-26 gennaio 2024, Via Ostiense, 234

JAMES HILL (Charles University), Berkeley and the Threat of Solipsism

Session 1 - Solipsism and Otherness
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Alternative access: ID meeting: 371 029 934 600 — Passcode: Rr8HH4 on Join-a-meeting
Thur. 18 January 2024, 4 PM - CET Time
posterserie of events

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