ILIESI Institute Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle idee
National Research Council
Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma
Tel. +39 06-86320517
ACTIVITIES | Projects | Current

Project PRIN – 2022 DUS.PN025.009 EHZFWB Social Sciences and Humanities_SH5 Cultures and Cultural Production
First year: 2023 - Last year: 2025
The Colere Hereditatem (CH) project, translation of Cultural Heritage (CH) into modern Latin, addresses the issue of cultural heritage care both within the global challenges (as defined in the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda 2030 and in the Paris Climate Agreement), and other items that do not involve all countries and components of society (such as the disputed memoirs, the claims of counter-heritage in the "Black Lives Matter" protests). Themes that, together with new advanced technologies, can lead (as in the case of cancel culture) to the so-called "disruption" or sudden change, which in turn leads to new ways of thinking, interpreting, treating and conserving cultural heritage as far as we are concerned here.
The project aims to build a sustainable framework of interaction between research and actions in order to strengthen: 1) the appreciation and respect of the CH by the whole population (as required by art.30 of the 2nd Protocol of 1999 to the Hague Convention of 1954); 2) the awareness of the interdependence among the natural environment, the anthropic one and CH; 3) the perception of its historical and social importance in the face of its vulnerability and cultural differences.
The polysemy of the Latin lemma colo (together with hereditas), from which the phrase Colere (Hereditatem) derives etymologically, neatly preserves what counts in the project. Colere has many polarities in itself: what is natural and what is artificial; what is universally human and what is particular, what is religious and what is secular. Tension, interconnection, dialectic between the meanings and the respective fields of study: these aspects of the research will be investigated through a holistic-integrated systemic approach thanks to the joint effort of scholars with different academic backgrounds.
Based on the Council of Europe's Faro Convention on the value of CH for society, a more ambitious goal of the project is to contribute to a notion of open and inclusive citizenship (at global European and national level and also considering the reception of migrants) so as to promote and guarantee peace and collaboration between peoples, ensuring mutual respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, among them those linked to culture and CH.
The realization of the project’s idea implies greater interaction between universities, AFAM, public research bodies and stakeholders, thus consolidating the necessary collaborations and networks to participate in initiatives of the EU Research and Innovation Framework Program. It is also aimed at implementing, with respect to the objectives of the PNRR, the strengthening of research and technology transfer systems (Mission 4), social cohesion (Mission 5) and the relaunch of culture (Mission 1) including, in the context of extended partnerships, the theme "Humanistic culture and cultural heritage as laboratories of innovation and creativity".
Principal Investigator: Silvia Chiodi

ENTWINE. The Cohesion between Being and Mind: Plato’s Metaphysical Realism
First year: 2023 - Last year: 2026
The Project (Scientific coordinator: dr. Lorenzo Giovannetti-ILIESI) is the first step of a philosophical investigation concerning the concept of metaphysical realism (MR) and its Greek, esp. Platonic, origin. In a nutshell, MR is the view that what is real is (i) absolutely independent of human mind as to what it is and whether it exists; (ii) so connected to thought and language as to be grasped and described. The research is a close analysis of the relevant Platonic works and of their theoretical consequences. The principal idea is that what is possibly perceived as a theoretical tension in MR, namely that reality is independent of human cognition and at the same time is essentially related to it, is precisely what lies at the core of Plato's metaphysics. Thus, the research addresses four points in Plato's works: I) the connection between reality and mind and the way this connection is expressed by the concept of truth; II) the relation between content and object of thought also including linguistic meaning; III) reality and linguistic reference; IV) the intersection between the former points and the conception of knowledge as justified true belief.

Humanities and Cultural Heritage Italian Open Science Cloud - H2IOSC
First year: 2022 - Last year: 2025
The Project H2IOSC, funded by the
European Union - NextGenerationEU, will support the implementation of a coherent strategy for RIs development and integration in Italy, optimizing the use of the most relevant assets, upgrading and implementing the facilities, as a result of needs arising from the reference communities, gathered from a comprehensive assessment and prioritisation work. ILIESI Scientific coordinator: Enrico Pasini
Survey H2IOSC

Portal of Sources for the history of the Italian Republic
Departmental Project DUS.AD004.017.002
First year: 2022 - Last year: 2024

PRIN CNR-ILIESI Compassion in Action
PRIN 2022 DUS.AD005.024
First year: 2022 - Last year: 2025
Within the PRIN project "Compassion in action: theories of sympathy and Construction of Otherness in the Long Eighteenth Century" (Prot. 2020KL3S9H - National Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Marco Menin, University of Turin), the CNR-ILIESI Research Unit puts forward a historical-philosophical investigation on the terminological and conceptual evolution of the notions of 'sympathy', 'pity', 'charity', 'compassion', aimed at the construction of an Eighteenth-Century European Lexicon of Compassion. Planned initiatives include seminars and publications, as well as the organization of an International Conference (jointly with the RomaTre University Research Unit). The scientific head of the CNR-ILIESI Research Unit is Simone Guidi.
Roma, 24-26/01/2024 - International Conference - Ethics of Sympathy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Physiology, aesthetics, politics

PROSIT - Prosopografia italiana degli scienziati italiani
First year: 2023 - Last year: 2025
Le sezioni attualmente operative sono:
ABCSI - Archivio Biografico della Cultura Scientifica Italiana
Progetto per la realizzazione di una banca dati biografica e prosopografica delle scienziate e degli scienziati e più in generale di coloro che hanno operato nella scienza italiana. In collaborazione tra Società italiana di storia della Scienza, CNR-ILIESI (Progetto PROSIT), Museo Galileo e Università degli Studi Roma Tre.
vai alla pagina dedicata
Sezione italiana di Philosophers’ tree
Progetti in collaborazione con il Work Package 7 del progetto NextGenEU/PNRR H2IOSC