

ILIESI Institute Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle idee
National Research Council

Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma

Tel. +39 06-86320517

ACTIVITIES | Projects | Terminated

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CNCC. Consciousness in a Natural and Cultural Context

First year: 2006 - Last year: 2009



Progetto PON: “Beni e Patrimonio Culturale: governare la progettazione”

Programma: Azione Coesione Complementare al Programma Operativo Nazionale Governance e Capacità Istituzionale 2014-2020
First year: 2017 - Last year: 2021



Project PRIN 2012 (2014-2017) Research Line CNR IC.P10.008
First year: 2014 - Last year: 2017

In this project, “L’universalità e i suoi limiti: meccanismi di inclusione ed esclusione nella storia della filosofia e nei dibattiti filosofici contemporanei” (Universality and its Limits: Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion in the History of Philosophy and in Contemporary Debates), the ILIESI Research Unit intends to promote a historical and philosophical study of the notions of Ius and Lex, with a specific analysis of the concept of citizenship. Planned initiatives include seminars, publications and the organization of ILIESI’s 15th International Colloquium, which will be devoted to the topic of Lex-Nomos (January 2016). The National Scientific Coordinator of the PRIN Project is Loris Sturlese (University of Salento) and the Scientific Coordinators of the ILIESI Research Unit are Riccardo Pozzo and Maria Eugenia Cadeddu.


Agora. Scholarly Open Access Research in European Philosophy

First year: 2011 - Last year: 2013



Progetto CELO: Conoscenza e Educazione per il contrasto al Linguaggio dell’Odio (Domanda PROT. A0375-2020-36743)

First year: 2021 - Last year: 2023

Il Progetto (Responsabile scientifico: prof. Raffaella Petrilli-DISTU) offre nuove conoscenze per rinnovare l’educazione al civismo e alla tolleranza nella scuola dell’obbligo. Allo scopo, svilupperà la piattaforma digitale “HOL, Hate speech OnLine - Osservatorio per conoscere, riconoscere e contrastare l’hate speech”, permanente anche dopo il completamento del progetto, destinata agli attori chiave dell'educazione/formazione (insegnanti, educatori, formatori, studenti). La piattaforma offrirà: a) una base di dati open source & open data (ampiezza prevista: oltre 10 mln. token) per la documentazione aggiornata e aggiornabile sul linguaggio di incitamento all’odio (hate speech); b) gli strumenti didattico-applicativi innovativi (contenuti aggiornati, materiali didattici digitali, Guida per l’aggiornamento degli insegnanti, percorsi didattici multimediali) per la didattica dell’inclusione e del contrasto alle forme di intolleranza (religiosa, etnica, di genere, bullismo-cyberbullismo etc.). HOL interessera` imprese editoriali, digitali e creative. Nell'ambito del progetto, il WP2 (Approfondimento delle conoscenze), è affidato all'ILIESI-CNR (Francesca Alesse e Lorenzo Giovannetti). Il WP2 si prefigge di ricostruire il background storico-concettuale del tema dell'odio e della sua portata sociale, raccogliendo le analisi filosofiche delle passioni conflittuali e divisive, partendo dalle premesse teoriche poste nel pensiero antico e indagandone alcuni retaggi nella prima modernità.
Con il contributo della Regione Lazio a valere sulla L.R. 13/2008 art. 4 Progetto di Gruppi di Ricerca 2020 n. A0375-2020-36743 CELO.

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LE METAMORFOSI DELL’ODIO. Percorso interdisciplinare tra storia, filosofia, letteratura, a cura di Francesca Alesse, Lorenzo Giovannetti, 2023, pp. 360


Open Scholarly Communities on the Web

First year: 2006 - Last year: 2010


Discovery. Digital Semantic Corpora for Virtual Research in Philosophy

First year: 2006 - Last year: 2009


Immagine:European Migration Network

European Migration Network

National Contact Point for Italy
First year: 2014 - Last year: 2016

In 2014, the Department of Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage was designated by the Ministry of the Interior as the Italian National Contact Point (NCP) of the European Migration Network (EMN), with the task of meeting the information needs of EU institutions and Member States in the area of immigration and asylum. In this assignment, ILIESI collaborates with CNR institutes IRPPS, ISGI, ISSIRFA and ITTIG, on the following activities: (a) drafting reports and studies, including the legal, demographic, economic, social, political and cultural dimensions of migratory phenomena; (b) answering Ad Hoc Queries sent by the European Commission or the NCPs of other Member States; (c) drafting an annual report on main political and legislative developments in Italy; (d) drafting an annual report on Italian statistics; (e) establishing a national multilevel network; (f) implementing and updating a website; (g) participating in national and international events that are relevant for the EMN; (h) organizing conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses; and (i) fostering regional, national and European initiatives. The ILIESI Scientific Coordinator is Maria Eugenia Cadeddu.


La filosofia italiana del Rinascimento e l'eredità classica: Giordano Bruno commentatore e critico di Aristotele. Edizione di testi, studio della terminologia filosofica e delle fonti

First year: 2008 - Last year: 2010


Filosofia, teologia e politica. Spinoza e l'esegesi 'radicale' nel seicento

First year: 2008 - Last year: 2010


La formazione dell'identità culturale nell'Europa moderna: i testi filosofici e scientifici nelle recensioni di G. W. Leibniz

First year: 2008 - Last year: 2010


Logica ed etica in età ellenistica e romana

First year: 2008 - Last year: 2010



First year: 2008 - Last year: 2014

The Migration Project was an inter-disciplinary project, funded within the framework of an Agreement between CNR and the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. The project involved more than 70 researchers from 13 CNR Institutes and the Observatory on the Coding and Training of Jurists in China. The Migration Project was mainly based on the scientific and professional expertise existing within CNR Institute. It also included a three-year training programme for young researchers, with the setting up of research groups that were different in terms of size, research methods and goals, but shared activity programmes. This initiative encouraged mutual exchanges and inter-relationships. As regards the project’s contents, a special attention was devoted to current issues, but the aim was also to consider migratory phenomena as a transfer of knowledge and cultural experiences in different historical contexts. The project produced as many as more than 170 publications (with studies in history, philosophy, linguistics, demography, law, economy and education) and more than 50 events (conferences, seminars, training courses and exhibitions). Some of these initiatives were undertaken in collaboration with other institutions, such as the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Ministry of the Interior, the Libraries of Rome, the Museo di Roma and the Luigi Pigorini National Museum. Scientific coordinator: Maria Eugenia Cadeddu
Seminari interdisciplinari, Progetto Migrazioni
Corso di formazione, Vivere le migrazioni
Seminari interdisciplinari, Studio...perché
Seminari tecnici formativi, Migrazione di tecnologie e linguaggi


Modelling between digital and humanities: thinking in practice

App. N. A115838, Program: "Original - isn't it? New Options for the Humanities and Cultural Studies”
First year: 2016 - Last year: 2018

In Digital Humanities (DH), modelling is a creative process of reasoning in which meaning is made and negotiated through the creation and manipulation of external representations. The ambition of research in DH is making scholarly arguments practical via the creation and manipulation of digital models. Making external representations to reason with has been part of the scholarly Western tradition at least since the Enlightenment; DH extends this practice by actively creating digital artefacts in different media. Volkswagen Stiftung financed an international project that investigates the frontiers of modelling in Humanities and Social Sciences, in particular of DH: "Modelling between digital and humanities: thinking in practice (App. N. A115838, Program: "Original - isn't it?" New Options for the Humanities and Cultural Studies” 2016-2017). The project involves four European researchers: Cristina Marras, Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee, Italian National Research Council in Rome; Øyvind Eide, University of Passau; Arianna Ciula, King’s Digital Lab, London; Patrick Sahle, University of Köln. Through the lenses of critical humanities traditions and interdisciplinary takes on making and using models, this project will build on the novelty of DH research in making explicit and integrating existing diverse models of cultural phenomena (e.g. texts; events). Its originality lies in using DH research to: explore possibilities for a new interdisciplinary language of modelling spanning the humanities, cultural studies and sciences; to analyse modelling in scholarship as a process of signification; to develop connections between modelling as research and learning strategies. Scientific coordinator: Cristina Marras
Laboratori interdisciplinari. I linguaggi della ricerca: parole e immagini


Le Opere di Vico negli «Scrittori d’Italia»

First year: 2008 - Last year: 2010




Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies
First year: 2015 - Last year: 2019

PARTHENOS launched on May 2015, and it is funded by the European Commission under the H2020 framework. PARTHENOS aims at strengthening the cohesion of research in the broad sector of Linguistic Studies, Humanities, Cultural Heritage, History, Archaeology and related fields through a thematic cluster of European Research Infrastructures. PARTHENOS will achieve this objective through the definition and support of common standards, the coordination of joint activities, the harmonization of policy definition and implementation, and the development of pooled services and of shared solutions to the same problems. Built around the two ERICs of the sector, DARIAH and CLARIN, PARTHENOS will deliver guidelines, standards, methods, services and tools to be used by its partners and by all the research community. ILIESI-CNR participates in the PARTHENOS project contributing to three Work Packages (WP): WP2, WP3, and WP5. Contact: Ada Russo


PHerc - Interactive edition and interpretation of various works by Epicurean and Stoic philosophers surviving at Herculaneum

First year: 2009 - Last year: 2014



Philodemus' History of the Academy

Groundwork for a New Innovative Critical Edition
First year: 2016 - Last year: 2018

Philodemus' 'History of the Academy' (PHerc. 1021/1691 and PHerc. 164) contains much otherwise lost information about the development of the Academic school and its most prominent figures, from Plato to Antiochus and Aristus of Ascalon. Now, the research of the last eighteen years has shown that the last edition of this book may considerably be improved upon. This, contrasted with the current availability of pioneering techniques for reading papyri and the possibility of developing completely new and more promising ones, makes it a desideratum of the research to produce a new modern critical edition of this unique book. The primary goal of this project is to lay the foundation for precisely this new edition, paving the way for a new method of editing Herculanean texts. To achieve this goal, the supervisor will directly coach the applicant and work together with him on a daily basis in order to transfer him all the specific papyrological, palaeographical and philological competences necessary for its immediate preparation. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow: Kilian Josef Fleischer. Supervisor: Graziano Ranocchia


PRIN ILIESI The soul-body problem in the light of ethics between the Renaissance and the eighteenth century : Texts - Vocabulary - Sources - Censure

First year: 2013 - Last year: 2016

The project is part of the PRIN 2010-2011 "The moral reflection in front of the mind / body problem. historical issues and theoretical perspectives". The PRIN 2010-2011 activities were started at the end of 2012; total, thirteen Research Unit are part of the PRIN. Scientific responsible for PRIN-ILIESI Research Unit is Eugenio Canone; National Scientific Coordinator of PRIN is Franco Biasutti, University of Padua. The PRIN-ILIESI proposes the publication of studies and the publication of texts, organization of seminars and a conference at the conclusion of the three years - in relation to the output of an edited volume on the subject of the project, between 'old' and 'modern' - as well as the realization of a specific site and a hypertext. The project is based on a corpus of philosophical works ranging from the late fifteenth century to the early decades of the eighteenth century, by Marsilio Ficino to Giordano Bruno until Giambattista Vico. As part of the project will also publish contemporary ecclesiastical censures of philosophical texts. The various research activities of the project intend to investigate to what extent the soul-body issue - concerning the sphere of anthropology and of epistemology in relation to metaphysics and cosmology - is interesting for moral reflection from different points of view.


Project CapitalizzAZIONE

European Integration Fund for Third-Country Nationals 2007-13, Action 7
First year: 2014 - Last year: 2015

The research/action project, funded by the Ministry of the Interior (European Integration Fund for Third-Country Nationals 2007-13, Action 7), intends to survey the composition and character of migrants’ associations in Rome and its province, as well as to foster the enhancement of the best practices adopted by these associations in the area of integration. The project leading partner is FOCSIV; the other partners are CeSPI, CNR Department of Human and Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage and ILIESI. The ILIESI Scientific Coordinator is Maria Eugenia Cadeddu.



First year: 2018 - Last year: 2020

Scientific coordinator: Silvia Chiodi



First year: 2014 - Last year: 2016

SM@RTINFRA-SSHCH, Smart Integrated infrastructure (for the data ecosystem) of Social Sciences, Humanities and Cultural Heritage. SM@RTINFRA-SSHCH, in line with the recommendations of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures and the DG-Research Infrastructures, proposes the development and the further expansion of Italian infrastructure through the design and development of an open network. This network is connected to the European and the other major infrastructure nodes closely operating in research areas such as social sciences, humanities and cultural heritage. The SM@RTINFRA facilities will be available to a broad interdisciplinary community (i.e. researchers, students, and end users in both public and private sectors), through connection services, networking activities, joint research, technology transfer, and dissemination of results. ILIESI-CNR participates in the SM@RTINFRA project contributing to two Work Packages (WP): WP2 (Access services to infrastructure), with the task of developing models for virtual access to archives, and WP4 (Common research), working on two Tasks. One Task is dedicated to tools and methods for cataloguing, management and promotion of cultural heritage in the digital environment, the other Task concerns activities and initiatives promoting research on common issues shared by the different infrastructures involved. Scientific manager for ILIESI: Cristina Marras

Content manager: Cristina Marras - last update 27/01/2022

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