ILIESI Institute Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle idee
National Research Council
Villa Mirafiori
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma
Tel. +39 06-86320517
ACTIVITIES | Lines of Research | Terminated
Migration, multilingualism and transmission of knowledge in the Mediterranean area
Commessa CNR DUS.AD001.004
Together with other initiatives and research activities promoted by the Interior Ministry, the National Academy of Lincei, the Institut of Catalan Studies of Barcelona and the University of Valencia and Lerida, the project aims to examine the relationship between migration and cultural transfers in the Mediterranean area.
In particular, it intends to examine the development of plurilingualism and the phases of movement of certain literary works, in order to reconstruct the evolution of such processes and to highlight common characteristics and variations in different historical periods. The main topics of the research project are:
1) the phenomena about mobility and transmission of culture in Italy and euro-Mediterranean area in the contemporary period;
2) the phenomena about mobility and multilingualism in Italy and euro-Mediterranean area, in the past and in the present, with particular reference to the areas of the Crown of Aragon and the Crown of Spain in medieval and modern times;
3) the circulation of books and knowledge between Europe and the New World, with particular reference to the work "Mexican Treasury", published by the Accademia dei Lincei in 1651. Scientific coordinator: Maria Eugenia Cadeddu
SATURN - Histories of ideas and cultures: archives, texts, vocabularies and terminology
Commessa CNR DUS.AD005.005
Activities under project cover all the thematics and the time period which is traditionally studied by the ILIESI research: the history of philosophical and scientific terminology, the implementation of digital archives, seminars and conferences related to history of scientific and philosophical ideas, and their implications on the linguistic and lexical level, including the development of multilingual dictionaries that make possible access to archives and databases. The project takes inspiration both of consolidated activities of the ILIESI (history of ideas as the history of philosophical terminology documented in the texts), as the most recent work on the implementation of digital archives and databases; also it provides for the development of skills related to the publication of editorial series and periodicals both in digital form, as in paper form. The time span of the research is very broad, ranging from studies devoted to the ancient Near East, for the reconstruction in historical comparative perspective of the intellectual world, the study of classical antiquity, with particular attention devoted to practical philosophy and semantics Aristotelian, until the Hellenistic scientific tradition, for which studies are planned on astronomy of Eudoxus of Cnidus, the Renaissance and modern studies in their relationship with the ancient and medieval tradition; the latter a decisive period for European culture, the consequences of which reach up to today. Scientific coordinator: Roberto Palaia
History of terminology and ideas. Digital archives and libraries
Commessa CNR DUS.AD005.005
History and contemporaneity of cultural terminology
Commessa CNR DUS.AD005.005
Scientific coordinator: Roberto Palaia
History of ideas and research methodologies
Commessa CNR DUS.AD005.010
The main research activities concern: the development of studies and research of individual interest in a free theme in the various fields of competence of the Institute; analysis and development of specific methodologies to support historical-philosophical, historical-scientific, philological, linguistic and digital humanistic research. The project formalizes in the structure of a project the research activities that researchers and technologists develop outside the formally constituted and funded projects, in which the scientific management of the Institute is divided. Responsible: Eugenio Canone
Philosophical-scientific lexicography, history of ideas and texts of the modern age
Commessa CNR DUS.AD005.010
Development of studies and research of individual interest in a free theme in the various fields of competence of the Institute; analysis and development of specific methodologies to support historical-philosophical, historical-scientific, philological, linguistic and digital humanistic research. The project formalizes in the structure of a project the research activities that researchers and technologists develop outside the formally constituted and funded projects, in which the scientific management of the Institute is divided. Scientific coordinator: Pina Totaro
History of Philosophic-Scientific Thought and Cultural Terminology in the Ancient and Late Ancient World
History of ideas and terminology of culture in the modern age
Studies on the European philosophical lexicon from Humanism to the twentieth century
Formazione alla lessicografia filosofica e scientifica
Interactive Edition and Interpretation of Various Works by Stoic and Epicurean Philosophers Surviving at Herculaneum - PHerc
History of Philosophic-Scientific Thought and Cultural Terminology from the Middle Ages to the Modern Age
Repository of philosophical and scientific sources
Daphnet. Digital platform for the history of ideas
Neological Observatory of Italian (ONLI)
Migrations: transmission of knowledge and intercultural dialogue
Migratory phenomena will be investigated in terms of transfer of knowledge, cultural experiences, books and authors in different historical contexts using an interdisciplinary approach. The research studies conducted at other CNR Institutes within the Migration Project will be taken into account. Particular attention will be attached to the study of the relations between different cultures, multilingualism and the circulation of books in past and present times. Scientific coordinator: Maria Eugenia Cadeddu