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PRODOTTI | Pubblicazioni | Periodici
«Aristotelica» - Sommari -
info periodico- 2024, Fascicolo 6
M. Amini, From Syllogism to Logicism: Was Aristotle the First Logicist?; A. de Castro Caeiro, The Snubness-structure and the Inextricable Soul-Body Relationship; S. Trostyanskiy, Indivisibles and the Temporal Continuum: Aristotle and Neopythagorean Thought; L. Folli, The Authenticity of Metaphysics Alpha elatton in the scholium Parisinum and in Alexander of Aphrodisias’ recensio altera; S. Fazzo, Aristotle’s Earliest Extant Manuscripts. New Doubts and Perspectives
- 2024, Fascicolo 5
S. Fazzo, J. Kraye, Editorial; S. Trostyanskiy, Pseudo-Archytas on time’s existence: Aristotle and Neopythagorean thought; M. Varlamova, Alexander of Aphrodisias on the causes of animal generation; P. S. Hasper, R. Arnzen, Against hypotheses. a response concerning Physics VIII 1.250B13; W. Wians, Note on Physics VIII 1.250B13: categorical or hypothetical?; S. Fazzo, The text of Physics VIII 1.250B13 as a case study
- 2023, Fascicolo 4
S. Fazzo, M. Ghione, J. Kraye, EDITORIAL. Aristotle across Boundaries; J.-M. Narbonne, Argumentaire. Aristote au-delà des frontières; G. Heinemann, Aristotle on Continuity: Continuous Connection in Phys. V 3 and the Mathematical Account of Motion and Time in Phys. VI; M. Ugaglia, Discussing Natural Motion: Definition of Time and Verbal Usage in Aristotle; G. Feola, Aristotele sull’analogia tra le facoltà cognitive degli esseri umani e degli altri animali; P. Swallow, Natural Selection Shadowed Forth: Aristotle’s De Partibus Animalium after Darwin
- 2023, Fascicolo 3
J.-M. Narbonne, «Partir à la chasse au bonheur». Les peuples entre particularisme et universalisme chez Aristote; W. Wians, Argument and Dialectical Structure in Physics VIII 1; S. Fazzo, A Hypothetical Premise about Eternal Cosmic Motion in the Critical Text of Physics VIII 1.250b13; A. Longo, Alessandro d’Afrodisia e l’anima semovente del Fedro (245c5-9) di Platone; M. Sgarbi, Interpreting Aristotle’s Meteorologica I 7.344a5-8 in Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy
- 2022, Fascicolo 2
Ignacio De Ribera-Martin, New Light on the Notion of entelecheia: Two Ways of Having Soul in the Generation of Animals; Jean-Marc Narbonne, Les meilleures raisons selon Aristote pour vivre en démocratie; Monica Ugaglia, Aristotle on Uniform Circular Motion; Santiago Chame, El argumento de Metaphysica Θ 1 según el seminario de Londres: el uso del análisis focal y el problema de los enunciados programáticos; Marco Ghione, Laura Folli, Silvia Fazzo, La tradizione a stampa della Metaphysica Nova arabo-latina negli incunaboli e nelle cinquecentine; In memoriam Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann, by Jaka Makuc
- 2022, Fascicolo 1
EDITORIAL: Silvia Fazzo, Jill Kraye, Aristotelica, why now?; Enrico Berti, L’analogia In Aristotele; Enrico Berti, Métaphysique Z 17; Silvia Fazzo, Il testo di Aristotele Metafisica Zeta 17; Leonardo Graciotti, Pomponazzi filologo aristotelico; Roberto Zambiasi, I commenti latini al De sensu et sensato di Aristotele (XIII-XV sec.): status quaestionis e prospettive per un inventariο; Michel Bastit, Silvia Fazzo, In memoriam Enrico Berti. In Appendice: Bibliografia recente di Enrico Berti (2011-2021) a cura di Gianmario Cattaneo